منتديات مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
أهلاً و مرحبا بكم في منتدى مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات
لتتمكن من المشاركة و الإستفادة من المنتدى ندعوكم للتسجيل
منتديات مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
أهلاً و مرحبا بكم في منتدى مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات
لتتمكن من المشاركة و الإستفادة من المنتدى ندعوكم للتسجيل
منتديات مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات مدرسة كفر الدوار الثانوية الصناعية بنات

منتدايات ثقافية تعليمية
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ا. ماريانا نبيه

ا. ماريانا نبيه

الساعة :
الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3) IHu53892

الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3) 37w99992
انثى عدد المساهمات : 505
نقاط : 1450
التقييم : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/03/2012

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مُساهمةموضوع: الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3)   الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3) Emptyالسبت مارس 31, 2012 9:57 pm

C- Reading Comprehension

5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

Plastics are very important in industry. Some plastics are made
from natural substances like rubber or wood. These are chemically treated to
produce natural plastics. But most plastic are synthetic. They are made from
petroleum products like polyester and polythene.

Plastics are very useful in industry. They are often used as
cheap substitutes for natural substances. This is because the properties of
plastics can be controlled to suit different purposes. In this way, plastics
can be used to manufacture many products, from cooking pots and coverings for
electric cables to textiles and car bodies.

A) Answer the following questions:

1. What are most plastics
made from?

2. What are plastics used

3. Why are we able to
control the properties of plastics?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4. Some natural plastics
are made from

a) petroleum products b)
synthetic products
c) rubber or wood d)
chemical substances

5.types of plastics are mentioned in the passage.

a) Two b)
Three c) Four d) Five

6 plastics are used as
substitutes for natural substances.

a) All b)
Some c) Few d) Many

7. Polyester and
polythene are plastics.

a) natural b)
synthetic c) ordinary d) normal

D- Terminology (Resource Book)

6- Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

(( properties - copper -
transparency - mixture - Aluminium – Iifejacket))

1- A ________
consists of more than one material.

2- Glass has the property of ___________ .

3- A___________ is used
for saving a swimmer from sinking in the water

4- All metals have different__________ .

5- __________ is a metal which is used for making wires.

E- Writing

7- Write a short paragraph of (5) sentences on: properities of materials:

You may use the following guiding words:

Concrete - not break - squeezed / plastic - strong -
compression / glass - brittle / aluminium – light / stainless steel - toughness
- tensile strength .

F- Translation

8- A) Translate into Arabic:

1- You must put on your lifejacket before swimming.

2- Steel does not stretch or break when it is pulled.

B) Translate into
English: يستعمل الالمونيوم فى صنع صارى السفينة .

الصف الثالث مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة (3) Clip_image001

Lesson ((1))

Vocabulary الكلمات الجديدة فى

Ahmed learns how to maintain an aeroplane.

Nouns الاسماء

Wings اجنحة

Engine موتور


Aileronجنيح – الجناح الخلفى


Flightرحلة طيران


tyre pressureضغط الاطار

fire extinguisher طفاية حريق


Fuselageجسم الطائرة

Flap قلابة

landing gearعجلات الهبوط

Stabilizer موازن

Cockpitكابينة الطيار

Elevator مصعد – رافعة

Verbs الافعال

Check يراجع
– يدقق

Test يختبر

Inspect يفتش

Oil زيت

Lubricate يشحم

Change يغير – يحول – يبدل

Complete يكمل

Maintain يصون

Adjectives الصفات

Important هام – مهم

Necessary ضرورى

Essential ضرورى = اساسى

ملخص على الدرس

Answer the following questions using the words in brackets.

1.How often should the machine be maintained? (maintenance)

2. How regularly has the equipment to be tested. (needs)

3.How frequently must the cars be inspected,? (inspection)

4.How often ought the oil to be checked? (needs checking)

Model answers

1.The machine needs maintenance every three months.

2.The equipment needs to be tested at three-month intervals.

3.The cars have to be put under inspection at intervals of thre

4.The oil needs checking every 10,000 km.

Grammar القواعد



Modal verb



time interval verb space

The wings




every week

The engines




every 5,000 km


Modal verb

To be


time interval verb space

The propellers


to be


before every flight.

The ailerons


to be


after every journey.

The wheels

ought need

to be


before / after every journey

It is


to - infinitive


time interval

It is




to check

to test

to lubricate



every week.

every three months.

before every flight.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to
give the same meaning.

1. The wings must be checked every week. (important)

2. The engines should be tested every 5,000 km. (necessary)

3.The propellers have to be inspected before every flight. (must)

4. The ailerons are to be oiled after every journey. (should)

5.The wheels need lubrication before every journey. (essential)

Model answers

1.It is important to check the wings very week.

2.It is necessary to test the engines every 5,000 km.

3.The propellers must be inspected before every flight.

4.The ailerons should be oiled after every journey.

5.It is essential to lubricate the wheels before every journey.

Lesson ((2))

How aero planes fly Speed reading كيف
تطير الطائرات

Vocabulary الكلمات الجديدة فى

Nouns الاسماء

aero planeطائرة

Aircraft طائرة


air pressure ضغط الهواء

air currentتيار هواء

Speed سرعة


pressure area منطقة الضغط

high speedسرعة عالية

maintenance schedule جدول

moving partالجزء المتحرك

Shape شكل

Movement حركة

Current تيار

Wing جناح

Topقمة – سطح


Angle زاوية


Aileron الجناح الخلفى


jet plane طائرة نفاثة

Verbs الافعال

Fly يطير


Make تجعل





Decreaseيقل – يقلل

Increaseيزيد – يزداد


Changeيغير – يتغير

Lowerيخفض – ينزل

Adjectives الصفات

Fast سريع

Faster اسرع

Slow بطئ

Slower ابطأ

Highعالى – مرتفع

Higherأكثر ارتفاعاً

ملخص على الدرس

What makes an aero plane rise into the air?ما الذى يجعل الطائرة ترتفع فى الهواء

• The most important
factor is the shape of the wing.

• Air approaches the wing
at high speed and splits into two air currents.

• One air current goes
over the upper surface of the wing, and the other one

goes under the lower
surface of the wing.

• The upper air current
moves faster than the lower air current because of the

shape of the wing.
This decreases the air pressure on the top of the wing.

• The lower air current
moves more slowly than the upper current This

increases the air
pressure on the bottom of the wing.

• The higher pressure
from below pushes the wing upwards to the lower

pressure area.

• The plane can rise more
by increasing its speed or by changing the angle of

the wing. This can be
done by lowering the flaps or ailerons.

Complete these sentences. Choose the correct word in brackets:

(a) Air
travels faster over the top surface of the wing.

(b) Air
travels slower under the bottom surface of the wing.

(c) The
air pressure is lower on the top of the wing.

(d) The
air pressure is higher on the bottom of the wing.

(e) Lower
pressure pulls the wing upwards.

Answer the following questions:

(a) What
do these words refer to? one (line 5); this (line 15).

One (line 5) = the air current

this (line 15) = changing the angle of the wing

(b) What
makes the upper air current travel more quickly than the lower (current)?

The shape of the wing.

(c) What
causes the wing to rise into the air?

ft is pushed up by the higher air current from below.

(d) What
is the function of an aileron or flap on a wing?

Changing the angle of the wing.

At one-week
intervals, or every 1,000 kin, whichever is the sooner.





Congratulations تهانى

Sympathiseيواسى – يتعاطف

Sympathyمواساة – عزاء


Examinationامتحان – فحص


condolence(s)تعزية – تعازى

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