Lesson ((1))Vocabulary الكلمات الجديدة فى الدرس Nouns الأسماء
Vehicleمركبة ( عربة – سيارة – صاروخ )
| electrical firesحرائق كهربية
| Crash تحطم – ارتطام
Test اختبار
| air bag كيس هوائى
Dummyنموذج شكلى
| seat belt حزام المقعد
car model نموذج سيارة
| Toughness متانة – شدة احتمال
Tensile strength مقاومة الشد
| Switch مفتاح تحويلة
Button زر – زرار
| Engine محرك
Motor محرك موتور
| Rubber مطاط
Alarm إنذار
| Steel صلب
Copper نحاس
| hand brake فرملة اليد
| Rigidity المتانة
Ductilityقابلية الطرق والسحب
| Inability عدم القدرة – عدم القابلية
Ability قدرة – قابلية
| Hair فسحة شعرية
Cap غطاء
| Load حمل – ثقل
Machine ماكينة – آلة
| Operation عملية
falling objects أشياء متساقطة
| Brittleness هشاشة
Conductivity توصيل (الحرارة – الكهرباء)
| corrision-resistance مقاومة التآكل
Transparency شفافية
| bridge-building بناء الكبارى
Hardness صلابة
| carbon dioxide ثانى اكسيد الكربون
electrical circuitدائرة كهربية
Verbs الأفعال
Inflate ينتفخ – يملأ بالهواء
| Protect يحمى
| Stop يتوقف
Stretchيمط – يمتد
| Bend يثنى – يلوى
Wear يلبس
| catch = trap in a machine يغلق
| Carry يحمل
see over (the top of) يرى فوق المستوى
| Conduct يوصل
Adjectives الصفات
Conductive موصل
| Brittle هش – سهل الكسر
Able قادر
| Unable غير قادر – غير قابل
| corrosion-resistant مقاوم للتآكل
Hard جامد – صلب
| Safe آمن
Low منخفض
| Accidental طارئ – عارض
Quick سريع
| Easy سهل
Flexible مرن
| Rigid ثابت – صلب
Recessed (set into a hollow) غائر فى
| Raised بارز – مرفوع
Grammar القواعدMake meaningful sentences:
purpose of action
| (to- in order to - so as to)
(so that - in order that)
وهى بمعنى " لكى " وهما أيضاً بمعنى" لكى " :
- I'm pulling the hand brake in order to stop the car. / I'm
doing it so as to slow down the car.
- I'm pulling the hand brake so that I can stop the car. / I’m
pulling the hand brake in order that the car can be stopped.
Reason of action (because of - owing to - due to) | |
وكلها بمعنى " بسبب " ويليها اسم مجرور :
• copper is used
because of its ductility.
• Copper is used
owing to its ability to be stretched.
• Steel is used
due to its inability to be bent.
Lesson ((2))Earth testing Nouns الأسماء
Appliance جهاز
| Cover غطاء
casing (= cover)غطاء
| Electric shock صدمة كهربية
electric drill حفار كهربى
| Refrigerator ثلاجة
Heater سخان
| Kettle غلاية
earth wire سلك أرضى
| earth connection اتصال ارضى
earth (electrical earth) اتصال كهربى ارضى
| Volt فولت
Test اختبار
| Socket دواة المصباح
Board لوحة
| earth strip (on the side of an electrical plug) شريحة
crocodile clip مشبك تمساحى
| Dummy هيكل – دمية
earthed plug قابس ارضى
| Sensor جهاز استشعار
test car اختبار سيارة
| Barrier حاجز
Runway ممر
| seat belt حزام مقعد
Camera كاميرا – آلة تصوير
Verbs الأفعال
Conduct يوصل
| Avoid يتجنب
carry out ينفذ
| Attach يتصل بـ
Disconnect يفصل – يحل – يفك
| Earth يتصل بالارض
Test (( 9 ))A- Language Functions1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialoguebetween Mahmoud and Ahmed: Mahmoud is under the car changing the oil.
Ahmed : Hello, Mahmoud, are you all right down there?
Mahmoud :Yes
____________ (1) _____________ .
Ahmed : _______________ (2)
_____________ ?
Mahmoud : No, thanks, I can manage.
Ahmed : What did you use in order to raise the car?
Mahmoud :
________________ (3) _____________ .
B- Vocabulary and structure2. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:1- The area of this field is three times __________ a football field.
a) large than b)
larger than c) as large than d) as large as
2- An earth test should be carried out _________ make sure that the earth wire is working correctly.
a) because b)
in order that c) in order to d)
because of
3- The function of the air bag is _________ the face and body in a crash.
a) to protect b)
protect c) protected d) protection
4- A crocodile clip is a/n _________which is
used for gripping metal
parts tightly.
a) instrument b)
device c) machine d) tool
5- Glass is used for windows because it is _____________ .
a) conductive b)
transparent c)
corrosion-resistant d) malleable
6- Copper is
used in wires ____________ its ductility.
a) so that b) due to c) so as to d) because
7- Carbon dioxicide is a/n
______________ .
a) substance b) method c) device d) ability
8- We wear safety boots to protect
our__________ from falling things.
a) feet
b) heads c) shoulders d) eyes
3- Match one part from (A) with a part from (B): (A)
| (B)
1- Glass is not used for making safety goggles
| a) to put out electrical fires.
2- Cast iron is used for making vices
| b) due to its brittleness
3- Carbon dioxide can be used
| c) because of its great tensile strength
4- The seat belts are made of polyester
| d) owing to its hardness.
4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in
brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Steel is
heavier than aluminium. (as ……. as)
2- Steel is used because it is
hard . (owing to)
3- Nylon is used due to its
great tensile strength. (since)
4- Very low temperatures make
copper contact.
C- Reading Comprehension5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:All cameras consist of the same basic elements a light tight box,
which contains a film, a lens, a shutter and a diaphragm
The substance and structure of the box prevent light from
entering. The lens allow rays of light to enter the box and focuses them onto
single points on the film. The diaphragm is immediately behind the lens and can be
adjusted by rotating a special ring. Its job is to control the amount of light
which enters the box through the lens.
The shutter is behind the lens and the diaphragm . Adjusted by
rotating the shutter speed ring, it opens and closes at different speeds. It
has two functions it controls the amount of light which enters the box, and
freezes the moving objects.
A) Answer the following questions:1. What is a camera
used for?
2. Which parts of
the camera control the amount of light entering the box?
3. Where is the
shutter located?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:4. All cameras ______________
a) have the
same shape b) do the same
c) are the same size d) have the same weight
5. The diaphragm
is _________ the lens and the shutter.
a) between b)
in front of c) behind
d) over
6. The
_________ freezes the moving objects.
a) shutter b) diaphragm c) speed ring d) lens
7. The lens allows rays of light the box.
a) to enter b)
enter c) entered d) entering
D- Terminology (Resource Book)6- Fill in the spaces with words from the list:(( lens - goggles - bulb - forging - workshop – head ))
1- ___________ is shaping hot metal by hammering.
2- A hammer is a tool with a handle and a ____________ .
3-________ are worn when working with machine tools to protect
your eyes.
4- You must never smoke while you are working in a __________
5- The function of the __________ is to show us that the
current is flowing.
E- Writing7- Write a short paragraph of 5 sentences on:‘‘The importance of seat belts in a car"
F- Translation8- A) Translate into Arabic : 1- A refrigerator is a
household appliance used for storing food and drink at low temperatures.
2- You should carry loads low
down your body in order that you can see over the loads.
B) Translate into English: لا يستخدم الحديد
لصناعة هياكل السيارات لأنة يصدأ بسرعة .